Oak honey

The oak honey is one of the few categories of honey-dew produced in Greece. The most significant amounts collected in the Rhodope mountain ranges, in Pindos, in Pelion, in Nafpaktia and Central Peloponnese.  Usually, at the beginning of summer, our hives are transferred to oak forest Folois to collect this particular honey.  The leaves and fruit of the oak are attacked by insects, where the honey-dew secretions are collected by bees.

Honey produced by honey-dew secretions of insects that suck plant juices from the oak of very dark almost black colour, medium liquidity and robust finish.  The Oak honey shows slow crystallization, high electrical conductivity, acidity and aspects as well as powerful antioxidant.

Great Taste results – Comments:
Table 3: Very interesting smell of Euphon,(a french medicine for loss of voice). A dark tasty and very interesting flavour and not overly sweet and a different character to other honey. Good viscosity and we are fascinated by the highly electrical conductivity.
Table R1: A honey like sweetness leads to a fruity tang. Definite citrus flavours. Edge of pine and rich caramel tones.
Table 99: A rich dark appearance. Light and less sweet than honey with a beautiful floral flavour. Excellent as an ingredient or on its own straight from the jar!

available sizes (μεγέθη)

310ml, 500ml, 1000ml


The oak honey is one of the few categories of honey-dew produced in Greece. The most significant amounts collected in the Rhodope mountain ranges, in Pindos, in Pelion, in Nafpaktia and Central Peloponnese.  Usually, at the beginning of summer, our hives are transferred to oak forest Folois to collect this particular honey.  The leaves and fruit of the oak are attacked by insects, where the honey-dew secretions are collected by bees.

Honey produced by honey-dew secretions of insects that suck plant juices from the oak of very dark almost black colour, medium liquidity and robust finish.  The Oak honey shows slow crystallization, high electrical conductivity, acidity and aspects as well as powerful antioxidant.

Great Taste results – Comments:
Table 3: Very interesting smell of Euphon,(a french medicine for loss of voice). A dark tasty and very interesting flavour and not overly sweet and a different character to other honey. Good viscosity and we are fascinated by the highly electrical conductivity.
Table R1: A honey like sweetness leads to a fruity tang. Definite citrus flavours. Edge of pine and rich caramel tones.
Table 99: A rich dark appearance. Light and less sweet than honey with a beautiful floral flavour. Excellent as an ingredient or on its own straight from the jar!

Additional information

available sizes (μεγέθη)

310ml, 500ml, 1000ml
